Hi There!
The Cyber Security Capstone ePortfolio is a cumulative project required to complete the Master of Science Degree in Cyber Security, Operations and Leadership program at the University of San Diego. This ePortfolio includes a summary of what I have learned from each subject we went through during the whole five semesters training that started in May 2018 and ended in December 2019. I have also included a personal biographical presentation video as an introduction to my Capstone project.
Cyber Security, for those who are wondering, is a field in the computer industry that addresses the equation of securing the digital world as the information travels from point A to point B. Take for example: after you boot up your computer, fire up your email client, write and send that confidential email, how do you know the content of that email does not end up in wrong hands, to someone who can do you harm, blackmail you maybe. We want to use computers. We know how good they are in processing and storing data that pale in comparison to humans' cognitive abilities, but we also want some security assurance to ascertain these tools would not work against its creator's ethical vision.
To this end, I have devoted quite some time to study this discipline so to gain a foundational infosec background knowledge necessary for research, development, and application of the cyber security principles in a variety of settings and context. This website’s content is a microcosm result of that effort.

V(M)2 Video Intro Message