I'm passionate about computers. This passion was induced in me in 1994 after I was introduced to the tool through a friend, a computer marketer. Its concept was so interesting and revolutionary with everything I knew at that point that I decided to buy my first computer, a laptop with 80386 Intel processor running under DOS operating system with 4MB RAM and a very small hard drive, size-wise, maybe in the order of 1gig which a lot of us envied. Back those times, the environment was all command line, but, still, I was impressed.
I will spend a huge amount of time to explore the tool, especially following the introduction of the Graphic User Interface under Windows 3.0. That was game-changing for me. This unwavering attachment to computer led me to pursue my career in computer. My focus was on getting some certifications. The focus led me to obtain three certifications: CompTIA A+, Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP), and Cisco Certified Network Associate(CCNA). But I thought certifications, while they carry value, were not enough and decided to invest time and money to pursue a degree.
I started with an A.S. Degree in Computer programming at Irvine Valley College, then continued with a Bachelor's degree in Computer science and graduated from The University of California, Irvine.
But after I completed that bachelor's degree, I thought still something was missing to my computer learning adventure. As I was pondering over, I realized in the whole story of the computer revolution; security came into prominence a bit late.
A lot of things, therefore, have to be done, and cybersecurity professionals have some catching up to do to give computers its true usefulness.
Let’s think for a second; no one will be okay when his information is being stolen or misused left and right. Yet, the way things evolved, cybersecurity was not really a subject of great concern to a lot of computer professionals until cyber incidents news will increasingly become a frequent occurrence. And with all the experience I gained by working in the computer networking field, holding varied positions --Support Engineer, Test Engineer, Network Engineer--,

I reasoned it would make more sense to compliment it with infosec expertise.
So, I decided to push forward and kept the momentum going until I completed the Master of Science Degree in cybersecurity at University of San Diego.
I enrolled and got accepted at the University of San Diego and started in May 2018. There were five semesters of fortheen weeks each including two summer semesters for a total of twenty months.
We went through a total of ten (10) courses plus a capstone to graduate from the University of San Diego, Cyber Security Operation and Leadership. In this capstone, I have revealed some knowledge I gained and tips people can do at least to start using computers with the basic approach to security.
Let's each of us makes cyber-culture the new reflex to develop as it is a prerequisite to reduce the tide of cyber incidents so that the risks of being a victim of a hack are mitigated.
Sending email encrypted, or using a VPN while connected to an open wireless network, or changing passwords every three months for example, or making sure to have an anti-virus in a computer so it does not become part of a botnet or a launching pad of a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack are just a few new practices to mention as part of what I call cyberculture. Let's try that.
April 2017-Present
Network Engineer, Cisco Systems
May 2018 - December 2019
University of San Diego
M.S. Cyber Security, Operation & Leadership
April 2013 -March 2017
Test Engineer, Linksys, Division of Belkin Int.
November 2003- March 2013
Test Engineer, Cisco Systems
September 2001- July 2003
Support Engineer, Microdyne
September 2013 - June 2016
University of California, Irvine
Bachelor Degree, Computer Science
August 2010 - May 2013
Irvine Valley College
A.S. Programming Language, IGETC